NORWAY — The town is taking applications for $500 awards that will be given to 20 needy people to use for taxes, home heating or medicine.

The money is from The Marshall L. Gibson and Ruth-Anne Gibson Municipal Charitable Program.

Gibson, former president of Commercial Paving and Recycling Co. in South Portland, notified the Board of Selectmen in August of the $10,000 award to the town.

He sold his company in 2004 after 59 years in the business and since his retirement has developed a charitable program to benefit towns who hired him to do paving.

The money is part of $600,000 Gibson will distribute in $10,000 awards to 12 different towns each year for five years.

Selectwoman Irene Millett, assessor Jodi Keniston and Town Manager David Holt were appointed by selectmen to administer the funds. Holt said it was decided that the committee will look at each applicant’s circumstance individually and those with low incomes will be given preference.


“No more than $500 will be given to any applicant so that at least 20 applicants will be assisted,” he said. “From those that have applied so far, three applicants have been chosen.”

Holt said the money will be used to help anyone who can demonstrate extreme hardship or disability. Recipients may use the money for taxes, home heating assistance or medicine.

To be eligible, an applicant must have applied for the rent/tax refund program from the Sate of Maine. The applications are available Keniston’s office.

Holt said anyone who knows a senior citizen who is having a hard time paying their taxes, heating bill or medicine expenses is asked to contact the Town Office at 743-5301 and ask for Jodi.

Gibson said at the time of the award that he never forgot “the loyalty and trust” given to him by the municipal officials and taxpayers of Norway, and he wanted to do something for the townspeople in return.

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