The annual Rumford Hospital Auxiliary poinsettia sale order forms have been mailed to area businesses. Last year more than 400 plants were delivered to local businesses or picked up at the hospital by individuals. The foil-wrapped, eight-inch poinsettias are $9.50, due at time of delivery or pick-up, Friday, Dec. 2. To obtain an order form, which must be returned by noon Friday, Nov. 25, call Barbara Belanger at 364-3648 or Jennifer Kreckel at 364-4593. Auxiliary members, from left, Al Hanington, Dot Benedix, Barb Arsenault, Jennifer Kreckel, Laurier Belanger, Jackie Couture and Barbara Belanger, pose with their favorite hospital patient, in wheelchair, as they distribute plants on poinsettia deli

ery day 2010.

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