LEWISTON — The Stanton Bird Club, founded in 1919, has elected seven members to the Board of Directors and a new slate of officers for its fiscal year, which began Oct. 1.

The board governs and oversees the club-owned nature sanctuaries, including the 372-acre Thorncrag Nature Sanctuary in Lewiston, and the 400-acre Woodbury Sanctuary in Monmouth and Litchfield. Directors and officers also implement the club’s activities throughout the year, which include varied educational programs on natural history and environmental topics available to children and adults in the greater Lewiston-Auburn area.

Tom Hayward was chosen president of the board and Mike Marchus was elected vice-president. Hayward, who has been an active member of the club for more than 35 years, is a reference librarian at Bates College. Marchus is a branch manager for Key Bank. Both are longtime residents of Lewiston.

Hayward succeeds Tom Robustelli, who has served as president for the past two years. Also elected as officers were Linda Seamans of Lisbon, as treasurer, and David Haines of Auburn, as secretary of the board.

Owen Buck of Lewiston and Robert Crosby of Turner were elected as new members of the Stanton Board. They joined five others reelected to the two-year terms: Odie Bachelder of Portland, Bruce Damon of Lewiston, along with Hayward, Haines and Seamans. Buck is on the medical staff of the Tri-County Mental Health Services, while Crosby most recently served for 15 years as speech and language clinician in the Auburn School District.

All members of the Stanton Board volunteer their services without any compensation.

The Stanton Bird Club’s monthly meetings are held the first Monday of every month, October through May, in the Auburn Public Library. Meetings start at 6 p.m. and always have a program on natural history or on current environmental topics. The meetings are free and open to the public. The club’s website is www.stantonbirdclub.org.

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