LIVERMORE FALLS — The fire chief is exploring options on where to put a first-responder monument that the local firefighter association raised money to buy.

The monument will be erected to remember firefighters, police, emergency medical responders and others considered first responders.

Fire Chief Gerry Pineau told selectmen Tuesday that after doing some research and talking to people, the association does not want to put the monument in the veterans park at the intersection of Union, Church and Main streets.

The park serves as a remembrance to soldiers from the area that fought in the Civil War and veterans of other wars, Pineau said.

The park was formerly named Union Park because it was given to the town to recognize Union soldiers. The name was changed by selectmen on Oct. 20, 2008, to be named Geneva Hodgkins Memorial Park.

Hodgkins, of Livermore Falls, was 83 when she died unexpectedly on Oct. 17, 2008. She had adopted the park several years before her death and beautified it. She worked each year to keep it clean, created a raised flower bed she called Geneva’s Garden, and had a cannon refurbished for the park, and made other improvements. Her family still takes care of the park.


Town officials have heard from veterans about the change in name recently and there are some hurt feelings, Town Manager Kristal Flagg said.

Officials would like to come up with a balanced solution so that “Geneva is remembered and veterans are not forgotten,” she said. She plans to contact Hodgkins’ family to discuss the matter.

“We’re going to do something and we’re going to do it right,” Selectman Jim Collins said.

Pineau told selectmen Tuesday that the association didn’t feel it was right to infringe on the veterans park and planned to find another place in town to place the new first-responders monument.

One suggestion is to put the monument behind the municipal office on town land that overlooks the falls of the Androscoggin River, Pineau said. Another suggestion is to put it in front of the town office, Flagg said.

Resident Ron Chadwick said he believed there was a concrete pad where some tanks used to be near the police station.


Chadwick suggested that wherever the monument is placed, there should be enough room to have a flagpole to raise the colors.

Chadwick also said that Union Street was renamed from Cross Street years ago because of the park.

Pineau said he will bring the Board of Selectmen more information on options at their next meeting.

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