This is in response to the article in the Sun Journal about the outrage over the U.S. Marines who urinated on the bodies of suspected Taliban fighters.

I am, and all Americans should be, outraged that Afghan rebels cut off the heads of American, or when dead U.S. soldiers were hung by their feet, had their fingers cut off or were dragged down the streets, as in Somalia in the early 1990s. And that is not to mention the thousands of U.S. soldiers who have had their arms or legs blown off by IEDs.

Hillary Clinton, and all the other goody-two-shoes, don’t seem to be outraged at what the enemy has done to Americans and our allies. They seem to be more concerned with American soldiers urinating on the dead.

Clinton, and all the other phony, weak-kneed idiots at the White House, should be ashamed of themselves.

Robert Worthley, Roxbury

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