LEWISTON — The first of several meetings between local businesses and educators will be held Wednesday, Jan. 25, at the University of Southern Maine’s Lewiston-Auburn College.

The exchange is being called, “Put Up or Shut Up,” and will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 170, the big conference room near the book store, at the college.

The title of the talks made Auburn School Superintendent Katy Grondin pause, she said, but Grondin’s been told the title needs to be provocative to grab attention from business owners.

“This came from the Androscoggin Chamber of Commerce’s education committee,” Grondin said. “What became clear is businesses have needs from our students. We have needs from businesses,” but schools and businesses don’t talk.

Instead of pointing fingers, Auburn School Department staffer Mike Muir asked, “’Why don’t we get an institute started?’” Grondin said. Chamber President Chip Morrison is hoping to get 130 participants, she added.

Auburn school representatives will be there, as well Lewiston educators, including teachers and administrators, said Superintendent Bill Webster.

Webster said he objects to the title of the group.

The goal is to create an exchange between businesses and schools, Grondin said. “What are the issues? What are schools doing? What are businesses’ needs? The hope is that businesses will visit schools, and we have opportunities to go to businesses to see what they are asking, and to see how we can partner better.” Grondin said. “We’re excited about it.”

— Bonnie Washuk

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