PARIS — A man charged with breaking into an Oxford home Monday will be held without bail until an agent can take him back to New York to answer charges there.

Harry H. Lamb, 47, of Canastota, N.Y., had to waive an extradition hearing as part of his parole conditions, according to Assistant District Attorney Joseph O’Connor. He is on parole for a burglary conviction there and is charged with violating it.

On Monday, he was arrested at a home on Gore Road and charged with burglary, criminal mischief and operating under the influence.

According to Oxford police officer James Richardson, a girl who was home alone at the house called 911 when she saw him approaching the home. According to the burglary report, the girl locked herself in an upstairs bathroom and tried to keep quiet while she described the suspect moving around downstairs.

According to the report, Richardson announced his presence in the house with his gun drawn. He said Lamb came out and surrendered. He smelled heavily of alcohol, Richardson wrote.

At that time, Lt. Michael Ward of the Oxford Police Department arrived and took Lamb into custody while Richardson searched the home for the girl. He said Lamb had broken through glass on the front door and ransacked the house downstairs.

The District Attorney’s Office could level new charges against Lamb. His arraignment is set for May 9 in Oxford County Superior Court in Paris.

Lamb is being held at the Oxford County Jail in Paris.

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