As the elected treasurer of Oxford County, I am opposed to reform proposals to the Land Use Regulation Commission as outlined in the majority report to LD 1798.

I testified at the public hearing on the bill in February because the bill poses serious fiscal concerns for taxpayers in Oxford County.

The majority report on LD 1798 would allow counties to opt out of LURC. If a county opts out of LURC and takes over land-use planning, permitting and zoning responsibilities, where will the funds come from to pay for it?

I have no doubt that it would be more expensive than the current model, and the cost would fall on county taxpayers.

Oxford County, like most states and local governments, faces challenging budgetary times. Unorganized territories in Oxford County are served through taxes and fees collected mostly by the state and delivered to the county to improve roads, ensure public safety and other services. There is no money to add a planning and code enforcement function, should Oxford County opt out of LURC, without reducing the current level of services. The only way to fund it would be to raise taxes in Oxford County, and I do not support that.

I appreciate Rep. Tom Windsor, R-Norway, for testifying against the bill at the public hearing in February. I urge him and the Legislature at large to oppose the majority report on LD 1798. It would be more costly to Maine people.

Roy G. Gedat, Norway

Treasurer of Oxford County

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