Gov. Paul LePage’s top administration at the Department of Health and Human Services chose to hide a critical mistake within the DHHS budget. The mistake involved 19,000 Mainers. They chose to withhold this information while the governor proposed massive cuts to Mainers receiving MaineCare.

Fortunately, the Democratic state representative on the Appropriations Committee, Rep. Peggy Rotundo, and the Democratic state senator on the Health and Human Services Committee, Sen. Margart Craven, worked hard to mitigate these cuts.

Gov. LePage’s appointed DHHS Commissioner, Mary Mayhew, knew about the mistake in January. How could she not inform the governor and other legislators of that?

I hope that further cuts are held up until the full scope of the problem is uncovered.

When the governor threatened to close schools if his supplemental budget was not passed in time, he was right here in Lewiston. Unfortunately, I think that just earned a failing grade in accountability and transparency.

Rep. Rotundo and Sen. Craven questioned the numbers from the DHHS. They are demanding honesty and transparency. I am very grateful to have their representation in Augusta. I trust Rotundo and Craven to fight for us.

I would like to see more representatives such as Rotundo and Craven. Voters need to restore a Democratic majority in the State House and Senate.

Essential services should not be cut while the facts are being hidden by Gov. LePage’s top administration, and not while he proudly gives tax breaks disproportionately benefiting the wealthy.

Heidi Brooks, Lewiston

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