NORTH TURNER — There won’t be any gondolas or ancient works of priceless art but there will be plenty of homemade Italian food when the North Turner Presbyterian Church holds their Italian Night Supper on Friday, April 27. There will also be an opportunity to meet and greet the church’s newly hired minister, the Rev. Lissa Bradford.

In the near future there will be an official welcoming event for the new minister, who begins at the church on April 29, but this is a great opportunity for church neighbors and community members to say “hello.”

The supper will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 at the GAR Hall on Route 219 and will feature spaghetti, lasagna, chicken parmesan and other favorites as well as salad, garlic bread and, of course, the delicious desserts that the church cooks have become known for.

The annual silent quilt auction started at Mud Supper in March and will continue throughout the supper season with the winning bidder on the handmade quilt being announced at annual Harvest Supper in October. The quilt was made by Laverna House, one of the original members of the Hallelujah Quilters of the North Turner Church.

Everyone is invited. All proceeds from the supper and quilt auction go to support the operational budget of the church. Goodwill donations are taken at the door but there is no set price.

The GAR Hall is approximately half-mile east of the routes 4 and 219 intersection. For more information, call 225-3370, 224-7461 or 224-7913.

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