Perspective is everything. When I read Connie Schultz’ column (April 21), “Romney misses the mark with female voters,” I felt as if I was watching a mainstream media news program which, in my opinion, is almost always biased.

Schultz tried to blame the Republicans for the Hilary Rosen fiasco. If Schultz checked the facts, it was the Obama administration that brought her to the forefront to try and make it appear as if it “cared” about women.

It is not women Barack Obama cares about, it is their votes. Rosen knew exactly what she was doing and decided to “take one for the team.”

Instead of being persuaded by the column, I saw it as another left-wing smokescreen.

If Obama really cared about women, he would be creating good jobs with higher wages so women would not have to worry about how they were going to feed, clothe and house their children.

More than 50 percent of the women in this country are heads of households. Many of them have to work more than one job in order to make ends meet. That means they have less time to spend with their children, so their children are learning their values elsewhere, rather than at home.

Instead of wasting billions of dollars on pet projects that have been failing, Obama needs to realign his priorities from making women dependent on the government to helping them provide for themselves. That will give them respect and dignity.

Stop promoting envy.

Donna Helwig, Auburn

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