OXFORD — Selectmen approved the annual town meeting warrant Thursday after adding a bond to pay Robert Bahre the $1.3 million he loaned the town and to extend the water line to Oxford Casino.

The total value of the bond will be $1,660,000, including $360,000 to extend water down Pottle Road. Aside from the bond, the 2012-13 budget is $3.21 million.

Last year, Bahre loaned the town $1.3 million to pay for a water line to the south end of Route 26, connecting the casino to the town’s water supply. The casino was already drilling wells when they agreed to connect to the town’s water. The casino also paid the town $500,000 for a water tank on Pigeon Hill near the casino.

The Pottle Road water line extension is in the northern end of town.

The town will pay back the bond with a 502-acre tax-incentive-financing district on Route 26 that includes the casino property.

The town meeting is set for 10 a.m. Saturday, June 9, at Oxford Elementary School.


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