Your editorial support of low level military flights over Western Maine is based largely on the similarity of our mountains with those in world hot spots (April 29).

I have never heard the Air Force make that case in the past 20 years of public hearings and environmental analyses on the subject. Instead, they focus totally on the proximity of Western Maine to their bases, making little mention of the closer existing low level Adirondack area, which has severe political limitations in spite of having a population density far less than Western Maine.

Last summer Gov. Paul LePage charged Gen. Bill Libby to look into the issue. When Libby had completed a detailed investigation, the governor concluded low level flight in Western Maine was a “want” rather than a “need.”

If the 70,000 people in Western Maine are to be rattled by low level flights, it should be for a compelling military necessity, not a political expedient.

David Guernsey, Kingfield

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