
Stoplights don’t mean stop and yak on your phone or rummage or do whatever, and then flip me off when I have to remind you that green means go!

— Anonymous

Those new city of Auburn water meters tick. It’s like the “Tell-Tale Heart.” Tick . . . tick . . . tick. They weren’t noisy before.

  — Anonymous

The parking lot to a local pizza . . . shop is always so full that you can’t back out. Many times I’ve gotten “double parked” on and can’t get out, but where are these mystery drivers? No one’s in the shop waiting for food. It’s beyond vexing.


— Anonymous

People who come to the door, wake me up (I sleep days), then make snide “What, were you out drinking last night?” comments. No, I sleep days! Let me wake you at 2 a.m. and see how chatty you are!

— Anonymous

Gripes and Gushes offers readers a chance to chide and to cheer. Bring it on! But references to specific people, businesses, agencies, etc. will not be used, in order to keep us all out of legal trouble and to make the column general enough to appeal to all. Send your Gripes and Gushes to or snail mail to Gripes and Gushes, b section, Sun Journal, 104 Park St., Lewiston ME 04243.

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