OXFORD — The town will apply for federal funding to install new sidewalks running from the elementary school to the recreation center under the Maine Department of Transportation Quality Community program.

According to Town Manager Michael Chammings, there is no legal crosswalk for the elementary school. He said about 90 students live within a mile of the school and could walk there. The MDOT program would give the town access to federal Safe Routes to School program and Transportation Enhancement program funding.

Selectmen voted unanimously to have Chammings file a letter of intent to the MDOT for both programs.

Tobacco policy

The town’s tobacco policy isn’t up to the state standard for workplaces and public areas, according to Chris Davis, program coordinator for Healthy Oxford Hills.

Davis said ball fields and other public gathering spots should have designated smoking areas so that people who want to avoid cigarette smoke can stay away from those areas. She said 75 percent of Oxford Hills residents don’t smoke.


Chammings said the town’s smoking policy is in compliance with state law and that smoking isn’t allowed on Pismo Beach.

Davis gave the board a sample ordinance and asked the board to adopt it. She said there’s no rule in Oxford specifying that smoking must take place 20 feet from the building.

The tobacco policy wasn’t on the agenda, but Chairman Floyd Thayer said the board would look into the issue.

Transfer station

A new compost pile at the Transfer Station is ready to be sold. Selectmen approved selling compost for $20 per yard.

Liquor license

Selectmen approved a liquor license to the owners of Polly’s Variety for liquor sales at the Oxford Plains Speedway. A public hearing on the license had no comments, and selectmen voted unanimously to approve the license. The business will operate as Polly’s Pit Stop near turns one and two.


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