CHESTERVILLE — A Jay man faces several charges after a deputy attempted to stop the truck he was driving early Saturday and the driver kept going.

Franklin County Cpl. Nate Bean tracked the truck into a logging clearing and found three people inside.

Bean arrested David J. Farrington, 19, on charges of driving to endanger, operating without a license, eluding an officer and illegal attachment of registration plates, county Lt. Niles Yeaton said Monday.

Farrington also received a summons on a charge of failure to stop for a stop sign.

The Jay man posted $350 cash bail and was released from jail later Saturday.

Bean was patrolling in the Farmington Falls area on George Thomas Road and observed a pickup truck that accelerated when it passed Bean’s cruiser, Yeaton said. The truck did not stop at the stop sign and crossed Route 41 to Route 156


Bean had activated the siren and emergency lights on the cruiser and the driver of the truck failed to stop. The pickup continued up Pope Road in Chesterville to Dutch Gap Road, Zion’s Hill Road and turned on to Borough Road, Yeaton said.

Bean was able to get the registration plate number and the truck turned off onto Brunswick Road, a dead end. Bean followed for about 2 miles and observed the truck turning into a wood logging clearing area, Yeaton said.

Bean waited for Deputy Nate Reid to arrive. He then had Reid stay at the entry to the clearing and got out of the cruiser and followed the tracks on foot, he said.

He located the truck a short way down the road and the three individuals inside of it.

Reid went into assist Bean to identify the people and secure them.

A 15-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy were not charged in the case, Yeaton said.

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