Since the inception of the Lewiston Youth Advisory Council by the amazing Dottie Perham-Whittier, I have been a No. 1 fan of each council member and of every project they do. Each one has benefited our entire community.

In turn, the participants are gaining confidence to deal with issues and people of all ages, possibly learning what they want to do in the future. They are the faces of hope.

Let’s hope some of them will stay or return to us to share their talents and enthusiasm.

I attended the Lewiston Middle School START Star night on June 6 to hear Hossain Naji, a former LYAC member, speak to the students and parents. Along with Hossain, a panel of five high school students answered questions. Two of them were LYAC members.

They did a wonderful job encouraging the younger students to try new things, to read as much as they could and to serve the community, among other things.

Perham-Whittier, parents, teachers and community supporters must be very proud of their accomplishments.

I am.

Jeanne Raymond, Lewiston

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