This is in response to the Leonard Pitts’ column of July 15. Yes, I am angry that someone is trying to steal my vote. When Pitts says, “In the face of a naked attempt to steal not just an election, but a right that was purchased for us at a cost of bones and blood, silence. It’s happening now, right under our noses.”

He is right. He is not right about having a voter ID. He is wrong about blacks not being able to obtain a voter ID. They are intelligent grownups; and if they’re homeless, there are plenty of organizations around to help. Yes, getting a voter ID would take some effort, but so does voting.

Pitts also says there is no significant voter fraud. I disagree. As long as I can remember there have been allegations of voter fraud, and I can remember back to the 1960 election of President John F. Kennedy when the dead rose from the graveyards of Chicago and voted.

During the last election, there were allegations that voting crews were going around from town to town, and college students being asked to vote locally and also vote in their hometowns using absentee ballots.

Elections have to be above even the appearance of fraud. An election means nothing if it is tainted by fraud.

I don’t want anyone stealing my vote by fraud.

Daniel Relph, Lewiston

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