In response to the tragedy at the movie theater in Colorado — you would think it would be a wake-up call to everyone. But violence is all around us and who is to blame? Television has lots of violent movies with killings, stabbings, etc. Go to the theaters and you see the same.

Kids watch those horrible movies, probably thinking this is a way of life.

Guns are too easy for people and young folks to get. Before someone receives a permit for a gun, perhaps a doctor should be contacted to make sure the person applying for one is in stable condition mentally. The young person who did the killing had four guns.

Also, as far as I can see, the Batman movie has violence, yet people go to see these horrible movies. Plus, a young couple took their 4-month-old baby to a late-night show in an air-conditioned theater which is cold, plus extremely loud volume, taking a chance that the baby might catch something.

What is wrong with people?

It just about broke my heart to pieces, the whole thing, and especially an infant.

Something needs to be done to stop so much violence. We have to stop it. No one else can do it. We, the people, need to wake up now. Television is turning out to be all violence, trash and sex.

I give movies and television an “F” for failure.

Madeleine Perreault, Lewiston

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