Perhaps a priest or some other religious leader could answer a few questions about the gay marriage issue:

— Specifically, how will allowing gays and lesbians to marry damage either my or any couple’s marriage?

— Could you please provide the quote and location in the Bible that says marriage is only between a man and a woman. I am requesting specific wording rather than an interpretation of a portion.

— Leviticus states that a man shall not lay with a man as with a woman. Unless someone chooses to interpret these words, it appears to be okay for a woman to be with a woman or is there a place that also says a woman shall not be with a woman?

— The Bible says it is OK to have slaves and, in certain circumstances, stone people to death. Our society has evolved to not allow these actions. Why can’t we evolve to allow same-sex unions?

If someone chooses not to accept their relative or friend who is a homosexual or lesbian, that is their privilege and loss of a relationship. Someone who is gay or lesbian has no choice as to their sexual orientation. It is part of who they are. They should not be denied the right to their happiness or to have the same rights as other married couples.

Those are not “special” rights.

They will not have any more or different rights than those enjoyed by my wife and me.

Stan Tetenman, Poland

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