LEWISTON — On July 19, a very special event happened at Montello Manor. Peter Ogden, director of Maine Veteran Services, presented a Maine Bronze Honorable Service Award to Mrs. Florence Kramer Peach, in memory of her late son, Army Staff Sgt. Harry C. Peach Jr.

Mrs. Peach was widowed in her teens and raised her son alone. She worked in the Bates Mill and a local store to provide for him; he in turn called her “the best mother in the world,” which he had written on one of his photos. Staff Sgt. Peach died on active duty while in the Army in Rothwestern, Germany, in November 1968.

A close friend, Rachel Rodrigue Nadeau, got the ball rolling to recognize the sacrifice of both Staff Sgt. Peach and his mother, in the loss of her only child.

Also during the afternoon event, many other Montello Manor residents, who are veterans, were also recognized with certificates by Ogden for their military service.

For more information see www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151034431660982.470572.277377220981&type=1

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