NORWAY – Recent changes to the Western Maine Health board of trustees have been announced. Effective June 1, David Hoisington was elected chairman of the board for Stephens Memorial Hospital and WMH. Hoisington has been a member of the board since 2006. He is a principle in Hoisington and Bean, PA, an accounting firm in Norway.

Tom Morton was appointed to the WMH board of trustees effective June 1. A graduate of Oxford Hills and the University of Maine, Morton is a managing partner with his brother of Paricon, LLC. Paricon wholesales recreational products in North America and Europe, using the trade name Flexible Flyer.

Bill White of Bethel was appointed as a community board member of the Stephens Community Healthcare Foundation for an initial three-year term. Bill is vice president of Personal and Small Business Development Office at Norway Savings Bank in Bethel.

Western Maine Health is a member of the MaineHealth family. Visit Western Maine Health online at

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