JAY — Commander Wallace Tripp and Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen chairman Palmer Hebert of the Frank L. Mitchell Post 3335 and Lynn Dunton, co-chairwoman of the Auxiliary, have announced the kick-off of this year’s scholarship contests.

Voice of Democracy is a patriotic three- to five-minute audio/essay on a tape or CD. Participants must have a typed copy of the essay and a completed entry form. This year’s theme is “Is Our Constitution Still Relevant?”

The contest is open to all students in grades nine through 12. Winners receive awards from post, district and state levels. Each state winner will go to Washington, D.C., March 2-6, to compete for $152,000 in scholarships. Deadline is Nov. 1.

Patriot’s Pen Contest is open to students in grades six through eight. An essay of 300 to 400 words in English is required. Winners receive awards on post, district and state level. The top 46 national winners receive at least a $1,000 savings bond. This year’s theme is “What I Would Tell America’s Founding Fathers.” Deadline is Nov. 1.

Continuing Education Scholarships are open to Auxiliary members, spouses and children age 18 or older. The contest requires applicants to complete the application and submit a typed essay of 300 words or fewer.

One $1,000 scholarship will be presented in each of the four Auxiliary conferences. Entries must be received by Feb. 15.

The Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest, for students in grades nine to 12, requires students to submit their art on paper or canvas. Digital art is not accepted. Judging is based on originality of concept, presentation and patriotism and clarity of ideas, the design technique, total impact of work and uniqueness. Deadline is March 31.

Students, parents and teachers are invited to visit the post, 64 Jewel St., at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 26, for additional information and entry forms. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Hebert at 897-2859 or Dunton at 897-2640.

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