CANTON — Selectmen set the property tax for 2013 at an mill rate of $19.65 per $1,000 of valuation. Last year’s rate was $18.55.
Selectman Donald Hutchins said the increase is due to the schools’ increased costs this year.  There is $159,000 in unpaid taxes on the books as well.
A moment of silence was held at the beginning of the meeting in remembrance of resident Harold Jones, who has passed away and had contributed much to the town. 
A public hearing was set for 6 p.m. Sept. 20 to discuss a moratorium on wind power.  
Town Administrator Harry Childs reported that the auditor finds no money missing, but the town needs a personnel policy. Childs said there were some general practices that are being addressed and he is pleased that things are turning around. He also said he would be out of the office on Aug. 29, but newly hired Deputy Clerk Kelly Jo Levasseur will carry on. 

“I am very pleased with her work. She is doing exceptionally well,” he said. 

In other business, Hutchins reported that the cleanup of the property around the dam was coming along nicely and work on the boat launch will start next week. He said the state Department of Environmental Protection found no issues with the work. 

Resident Chris Dailey asked to have Childs attend a special town meeting residents have requested at 7 p.m. Sept. 6. The Board voted not to pay for Childs to attend the meeting and Hutchins didn’t want to recognize Dailey because he  had not asked to be put on the agenda.  

The purpose of the meeting is to have residents vote on the town retaining an attorney to investigate whether the capital improvements at the town Transfer Station were lawfully authorized under state law. Another article on the warrant questions some of the fire chief’s actions and qualifications.  
The board approved a motion to have Childs open a special account for the Parks and Trails Committee to keep their money out of the town budget. The Parks and Trails Committee had more than $1,500 with which to open the account.
Brian Jordan advised the board that the 16th annual ATV run will be Sept. 29 rain or shine. This event raises money for kids at Christmas and people can bring new toys or give a donation.

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