NORWAY — The Oxford County Democrats held a ribbon cutting celebration at the Norway office on Saturday, July 14, during the Norway Art Fair, with Congressman Mike Michaud doing the ribbon-cutting honors assisted by local candidates including Dennise Whitley of Norway, candidate for State Senate in District 13; Mary Lou St. John of Norway, candidate of State Representative in District 95; Colin O’Neill of Oxford in District 100; Mike Broderick of Bethel in District 91; Charleen Chase of Bethel, candidate for County Commissioner; and Carol Gutekunst of Norway, candidate for Register of Probate.

The group, accompanied by Oxford County Treasurer Roy Gedat, and Norway office intern Ashley Blake, spent an hour touring the festival. Following the ribbon-cutting, Congressman Michaud visited with attendees in the Norway office. In addition to the office being open all day, a street-side table was staffed by Miriam Laster of Norway and Jim Burke of South Paris providing an abundance of stickers and materials, as well as a popular life-size replica of President Obama. The canopy in the nonprofit area of the fair was staffed by volunteers from EqualityMaine Oxford County, providing free face-painting and an opportunity to pledge support for Yes on One.

Democratic candidates were much in evidence at the Ossipee Valley Fair parade on July 13 with Rep. Helen Rankin leading the delegation in the 2 1/2 mile parade. Also participating were Dennise Whitley, Charleen Chase, Carol Gutekunst and Roy Gedat. This event was well-attended and Gedat said, “It appeared that everyone along the route knew Helen Rankin!” Prior to her legislative service, Rep. Rankin was the food service director in MSAD 55.

The Oxford County Democratic Office at 55 Main St. in Mexico began operations on July 9 and has completed a busy week of setting up under the direction of Jimmy and Brenda McHugh of Mexico and Sen. John Patrick. County Chair Cathy Newell organized two phone banks in Mexico as well as two in Norway. Anyone interested in electing Democratic candidates is invited to contact Newell at 875-2116.

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