We Mainers can complain about how many things are wrong with our state, but how many times do we look at what is right about it?

On Labor Day, we bid our friends from away goodbye. While they were driving to their “place from away,” we were doing great stuff, without the drive, right here at home.

Recently, my wife and I, along with my kids and grandchildren, went mineral hunting in a quarry in Greenwood. Later that same day, I tended my garden, had a couple of cold ones and, that evening, my wife, her mom and aunt went to the Oxford Casino.

This fall, we’ve got the Oxford and Fryeburg fairs. I have my canoe on North Pond and paddle to where beauty and peace abounds.

By mid-October, I’ve swept my chimney and have my winter’s supply of wood stacked in neat rows in my carport. If we lose power, my generator will kick in. Winter is a piece of cake (excluding rare ice storms) and ice fishing is a treat. Can’t wait ’til spring to tap my maples.

Life in Maine is the way life should be and the Norway, Oxford, South Paris area is where life begins, especially, when you are retired.

Al Pelletier, Norway

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