LEWISTON — The Stanton Bird Club’s first meeting of the new 2012-13 birding season will be on Monday, Oct. 1, at the Green Ladle, Lewiston High School Culinary Arts Center, 156 East Ave. A social hour with club displays will take place from 5 to 6 p.m. A dinner choice of tender beef tips or vegetable lasagna will be served from 6 to 7. The annual meeting and monthly speaker will begin at 7.

The presentation is free and open to the public. Dinner is $16 per person. Those interested in dinner should RSVP no later than Friday, Sept. 14. Indicate meal preference and send a check payable to Stanton Bird Club, to Stanton Treasurer, PO Box 3172, Lewiston, ME, 04243 or call 240-1380 to make reservations. Dinner reservations are required, no walk-ins will be accepted.

The speakers for the evening will be Thomas Mark Szelog and Lee Ann Szelog, who will share their presentation called “The Face of the Proposed Maine Woods National Park.” Enjoy a journey to one of the last, great, unprotected wilderness areas within the U.S., Maine’s Great North Woods, which is deserving of becoming America’s next national park, The Maine Woods National Park.

Since 2007 Tom and Lee Ann Szelog have been putting a face to the land and wild denizens of the proposed 3.2 million acre park through their multi-media Maine Woods National Park Photo-Documentation Project. 

For the past 30 years Tom has been a professional wildlife photographer; his life-long respect and admiration for wildlife now guide him as a conservationist, using his photography and vision to help save what’s left of our natural world with particular focus on the wild inhabitants within his own backyard of New England.

Lee is a professional speaker. Together, they are award-winning authors and share the gifts of their words and photographs in narrated photography presentations and books to passionately educate and stimulate people to conserve, protect, honor and cherish wildlife. Their current book, “By a Maine River – A Year of Looking Closely,” published by Down East Books, explores the natural beauty found in their own backyard in Whitefield and inspires people to consider wildlife conservation, beginning in their own backyards.

For more information call 782-5238, visit www.stantonbirdclub.org or email questions to StantonPR@yahoo.com.

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