I just filled my tank with $4.03 a gallon gas. I will not accept this high price as inevitable. Today’s high prices are an expression of President Barack Obama’s intentions. He favors high gasoline prices as a way to force stubborn Americans to abandon the carbon economy for the adoption of wind and solar models.

His June 10, 2008 interview with CNBC’s John Harwood goes into the details of how a gradual increase of prices to prohibitive levels will be good for the country in the long run.

How did he achieve his dream of high gas prices?

First, he demonizes all things carbon, then shuts down drilling in the Gulf and on public lands. As the oil rigs head for Brazil, Obama throws billions in low interest loans to the Brazilians to keep the rigs there.

Second, he destroys the country’s currency. Trillions in budget deficits; trillions in borrowed dollars for crony socialism and a Fed that “digitizes” the whole shebang.

Simply printing currency with which to flood the market would have been too crude for this lot; we confuse the issue with something sophisticated called Quantitative Easing I, II and, coming to an economy near you, III. Oil suppliers know what quantitative easing represents. They smell devalued dollars and now demand more of them in exchange for their oil.

Can’t say I blame them. I blame the president, his regime and Democratic policies.

Lenny Hoy, Greenwood

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