ANDOVER — Residents voted 221-39 Tuesday night to establish a committee to negotiate withdrawal from SAD 44 and to use $24,000 from surplus for consulting assistance.

Selectman and On Our Own Committee member Susan Merrow said, “We’re pleased with the overwhelming response and the voter turnout. Now the work begins.”

At issue is the future of the Andover Elementary School, which has an enrollment of about 30 K-5 students. The SAD 44 Board of Directors voted 13-3 in April 2011 to close the small school at the end of that school year because of declining enrollment, an aging schoolhouse and other efficiencies.

Andover residents objected and voted to raise raise $214,000 to keep it open in 2011-12. This school year, the town raised $68,000 to maintain the school.

Many residents, including those on the On Our Own Committee, want to keep the students in town, prevent long bus rides to other elementary schools, and maintain a sense of community which the school provides. Some also cited data that shows that having a school helps economic security.

A special selectmen’s meeting was expected to be held to select members of the withdrawal committee. Merrow said committee members will comprise a SAD 44 director, a selectman, an On Our Own Committee member, and perhaps others.

The $24,000 will pay for consulting assistance. The withdrawal process, which will require another vote by townspeople once negotiations have been completed, is expected to take about 18 months.

SAD 44 also includes the towns of Bethel, Greenwood, Newry and Woodstock. Andover has been a member for 40 years and this year paid more than $400,000 as its share of the more than $9 million SAD 44 budget, Merrow said, besides the $68,000 to keep the school open.

Merrow said she knows of 17 towns in the state that have formed withdrawal committees.

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