PARIS — A group of graphic design students at Oxford Hills Technical School has created political campaign posters depicting presidential candidate Mitt Romney as Superman and President Barack Obama’s plan for America as being “miracle elixir.”

The mission for the students in Virginia Valdes’ class was to design one election poster that would convince people to vote for the students’ preferred presidential candidate, and another to dissuade a vote for that candidate using propaganda, she said.

The topics of the posters ranged from the economy to women’s rights.

Michaela Frechette designed campaign posters expressing strong positive and negative opinions about Obama’s views on women’s rights.

“I have always strongly agreed with ‘pro choice’ and every woman’s right to gender equality, Frechette said in the statement about her negative poster. “By using bold Russian text, black and white photos and large shapes, both posters have a feeling of communism.”

The poster shows Obama as a stern heartless president ignoring a group of women and a baby crying, she said.


Her positive poster shows Obama smiling with a young woman looking up to him and praising him for fighting for equal rights.

Student Shennah Derstine designed posters for and against Obama’s plan for America by using images of a miracle elixir and deadly poison.

“The elixir bottle represents Obama’s policy; one ‘dose’ will lower taxes to the middle class, create more jobs, increase the amount of green energy used, and revive the economy,” she wrote about her poster that was made to look like a witchcraft piece.

“To spin off of that, I expressed Obama’s plan as a poison, because I know many people believe that he is ruining America, and poisoning our nation through increased federal debt, loss of jobs, and a ruined economy,” she said.

Nina Newcomb showed how candidate Mitt Romney focuses much of his campaign on economic issues, while Chelsea Dutil focused her posters on the issue of gun control.

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