LIVERMORE FALLS — The Tri-Town Seniors met at Murray Hall on Nov. 5 with 32 members present, and one guest.

President Fernande Doiron opened the meeting with a prayer, salute to the flag and a moment of silence for all the men and women who are serving and have served in the armed forces all over the world. George Doiron sang the “Armed Forces Medley” in observance of Veterans Day. He then sang “Happy Birthday” to all celebrating birthdays in November.

Pat Knowlton attended the meeting to award gifts to the members who have served their county. They are Francis Therrien, Athanase Couture, Aurelien Couture, James Williams, Joseph Slovak, George Doiron, Rita Fuller, Percy Ouellette, Walter Tripp, Paul Gilbert, Maurice and Karen Castonguay. Pat also gave others in attendance a gift in remembrance of those who have served to make us free.

Fern reported Dot Wilson is now home recuperating from her surgery. Members all wish her well.

New members are Paul and Jean Gilbert and Maurice Castonguay.

A motion was made and accepted to dispense with the reading of the secretary’s minutes. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted as read. There was no correspondence.


The Thanksgiving meal will be held Monday, Nov. 12, and Pat Laverdiere still has need for a few items. The meal will be at noon at Murray Hall, followed by the meeting at 1 p.m. There will be no Chinese auction due to the holiday meal. Fern announced that she will call on Sunday if the meal was to be postponed until Nov. 19 due to the weather.

It was decided that the Christmas meal will be held at 12:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 10, at LaFleur’s Restaurant. The group will pay for the meal of each member; guests must pay for their own meals. There will be no exchange of gifts this year. However, the members attending will receive a gift.

Peggy Stires from the Lion’s Club donated strawberries and ice cream for the celebration, and Nancy Couture brought in biscuits for the strawberry shortcakes.

The 50/50 was won by Doris Tripp. Door prizes donated by Gloria Hersey and Fernande Doiron were won by Francis Therrien, Marilyn DeSoto, Alice DeMoras and Gail Laverdiere. The members played bingo and card games.

Anyone 55 or over who lives in the area is welcome to join the group on Mondays at 1 p.m. for a short meeting followed by socializing.

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