Shameless. That is the only polite word I can think of to describe the demonstration staged in front of Veterans Memorial Park on Veterans Day by Maine People’s Alliance.

On a day set aside each year to honor the sacrifice of veterans who served this country, they stained the park, attempting to focus people’s attention on something that few of their members pay — taxes.

Shame on the Sun Journal for giving slightly more coverage to it than to the musical tribute to the veterans on the same day at the Lewiston Armory (“Group rallies alongside veterans,” Nov. 13).

Shame on any veterans who opted to ignore the musical tribute dedicated to those who earned it through their sacrifice.

If a veteran needs help, it is available but it is the veteran’s responsibility to find out where he or she can obtain it. Many local organizations in this community exist to help veterans. Information is available for any veteran who needs help. No protest is needed.

Robert E. Macdonald, Lewiston

Commander, Longley Dionne VFW Post 9150

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