In reference to Pastor Douglas Taylor’s comment (Nov. 7) on the dangers of the “ghetto” he lives in, I find it hard to believe that it is a fault of any Lewiston official or public safety. The problem is the result of the federal and state organizations that place people back into the same environment that they came from.

With just a little wisdom from these agencies, the placement of such families should be spread over larger areas of the city and state to help them in finding the “American way of living” (this is still America).

They need to see how others live, shop, talk and take care of families and the level of responsibility that we face day to day. Unfortunately we continue to group them back into a “ghetto environment” they came from with the like problems they came out of. I believe that the majority of the people Taylor refers to want to be part of society.

The problem, as I see it, more people need to part of a solution and not part of the problem.

I volunteer at a program that assists the underprivileged to help them become productive citizens.

God’s way is to reach out and help them.

Timothy Hiltz, Falmouth

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