As a concerned member of the public and student of journalism, I feel obligated to comment on what has been completely biased coverage of a news story.

Throughout coverage of the Leonard poaching case, the Sun Journal constantly hammered on the “over 400 charges” filed against them. How many of these charges were presented with substantiated evidence and upheld in court-of-law? Nowhere near the 400 thrown at the wall.

In Dan Hartill’s article covering Everett Leonard’s sentencing, he reports that the investigator claimed, “accumulating money [for pill transactions] seemed to be the goal” and that he “saw no sign that the elder Leonard was charging his son out of a higher purpose.” The term “higher purpose” is non sequitur to the actual dialogue which transpired. In fact, when asked, the investigator admitted to having no knowledge of where any of the funds in question were going.

In your editorial Dec. 2,  Mr. Leonard was referred to as the “self-appointed ring leader of this little band …”.  Throughout the investigation, was it ever discovered that Mr. Leonard had appointed himself “ringleader” of any “band”? Certainly not. These are your words, not Mr. Leonard’s.

Moreover, what Sun Journal readers have been subjected to is commentary replacing substance. Do not forget that your job is to report. Prosecution is the job of the justice system.

Put down the rubber hammer you call a gavel. Pick up your pen, and deliver what readers deserve — news.

Jedidiah Allen, Buckfield

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