LEWISTON — Paintings by local artist Sheila Patrick are on display through the month at She Doesn’t Like Guthries, 115 Middle St.

“Since I love nature, my paintings are composed mostly of skies, waters, landscapes and everything therein,” Patrick said.

While living in Massachusetts, she joined the Wellesley Society of Artists and the Arts and Crafts Guild, studying painting and life drawing. She visits her native Newfoundland from time to time, and many of her paintings depict the beauty of that area. 

Since moving to Maine, her works have been shown at hospitals, banks, fairgounds, the Turner Art Club and other locations. Upon retirement, she took water color classes gthrough Auburn Adult Education. “I love that medium. The brilliant colors of acrylics also entice me,” she said.

“One of my favorite pastimes,” she continued, “is searching for old frames that complement my artwork. I also love to introduce people to painting.”

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