I am totally blown away. Watching the news recently, it was reported that there is no money for Hostess to pay for its workers’ pensions. What about all the money the executives (who I am sure are fairly comfortable, money-wise) got for their bonuses?

Where are all our elected officials with that? They should be fighting such greed. Or maybe those executives are friends of theirs?

I don’t know, but it is sad that was allowed to happen.

My heart goes out to the people who have been so negatively affected by others’ greed.

Dianne Maziarz, Turner

Editor’s note: Hostess stopped making pension contributions in August 2011 and company officials say that money was used to pay other business expenses. According to labor lawyers who have weighed in on this issue, the diversion of pension funds probably doesn’t violate federal law because the money Hostess diverted didn’t come directly from employees.

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