In his letter (Dec. 1), Joseph Nugent took issue with Robert Macdonald about veterans’ issues. Both men see the same issues, yet both have a different opinion of how to deal with those issues.

Macdonald is known to me and is a friend. I have never met Nugent, but I sense that he is a good man and that veterans issues are something he cares about.

Macdonald and I do not see things from the same political view. We often agree to disagree, but we still manage to stay friends. He and I have worked together, attend the same church and are members of veterans groups. He is intense about his beliefs and practices what he preaches. He is also a very caring person, especially when it comes to veterans.

My youngest son came back from a tour in Bosnia and then Iraq. Macdonald was there to greet him and talk to him about his tours and let him know about what benefits were available to him.

My second son suffered cancer of the thyroid while serving in the Navy. Macdonald was there to offer help and aid.

I was in the service in the 1970s, and Macdonald is the one who keeps reminding me of the veterans benefits available even to me.

Bob Macdonald is not a fly-by-night veteran supporter. He does it every day with people on the street, organizations he connects with or those politicians who hold differing opinions.

Matthew Grenham, Lewiston

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