LIVERMORE FALLS — The Tri Town Seniors held their first meeting of the new year on Jan. 7 with 20 members and two guests, Beedee Farrington and John Beaudoin, attending. Fernande Doiron welcomed everyone back and hoped everyone had good holidays.

The meeting opened with a prayer, salute to the flag and a moment of silence for the departed members and the men and women serving in the armed forces.

George Doiron sang “Happy Birthday” along with the group to seven members who are celebrating birthdays this month. George also sang “They’re Either Too Young Or Too Old” for the group. A get-well card was signed by the members for Athanase Couture and Francis Therrien.

The secretary’s reports for Dec. 3 and 17 were read and accepted as read. The monthly treasurer’s report was also read and accepted. Marilyn DeSoto, who has been treasurer for 14 years, submitted her resignation. Gail Laverdiere who has held the position of assistant treasurer will take over. Fern asked for a volunteer to replace Laverdiere for the remainder of the year.

The group will hold a Valentine celebration; members were asked to form groups to bring in food.

The 50/50 was won by Gloria Bickford. Fern had two SeniorsPlus vouchers to give away; the winners were Lorette Chabot and John Beaudoin.

After the meeting all present enjoyed a birthday cake made by Nancy Couture served with ice cream. Everyone then played Beano, cards or games for the remainder of the afternoon.

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