Regarding your story “Lewiston parents ask for neighborhood schools” (Feb. 5), it seems that there is a misperception as to how are schools are currently districted.

McMahon school is to receive students from the downtown area and parents are in an uproar. Their main arguments are preserving neighborhood schools, and parent involvement in that these kids are being “bussed” out of their neighborhood to attend McMahon and their parents won’t be able to participate in their education because they are being moved to a school that is not within walking distance.

Currently, the kids who will be moved attend Montello school. They take a bus to school, and when their parents have meetings or other dealings with the school they have to find some mode of transportation to get there.

Changing schools is a hard transition for any child, but change in our schools is necessary now. Montello school is overwhelmed. Redistricting is necessary to make sure all elementary school children in Lewiston are getting what they need out of their education.

I have to wonder if the neighborhood school argument is just a cover for bigotry and classism from the McMahon parents, as McMahon is only receiving new students and none of their children will need to change schools.

Poverty is not catchy, and children are not responsible for the choices of their parents. I hope our school committee will remember this when it comes time to vote.

Erica Theriault, Lewiston

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