Guest speaker at Calvary

LEWISTON — On Sunday, April 21, Calvary United Methodist Church will welcome the Rev. Dr. Wanda Stahl at guest speaker. The service begins at 10:30 a.m., preceded by adult Bible study from 9 to 10.

Children’s programming (Faith Village) is from 9:30 to 10:30 and child care is offered during the service.

For the next several months the church is on a “journey of renewal” with visiting guest speakers and a variety of explorations both close to home and beyond our usual comfort level.

The public is invited to explore with the congregation on any or all Sundays. Calvary is at 59 Sabattus St. For more information call 782-3221.

Teaching circle, potluck April 28


NORWAY — The Spirit of the Wind Spiritual Center will sponsor a native American Teaching Circle at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 28, at the First Universalist Church, 479 Main St.

Carl Two Feathers will be facilitating traditional teachings, with the theme “Coming together as one.” The guest this month will be Dail Martin, a flute and guitar musician. Martin will have her CDs available for sale.

The event will also be a potluck, so please bring a food item to share if you are able.

Anyone planning to attend is asked to email Bill “Windwalker” Wentworth at, or phone 207-890-1455, or Carl Two Feathers at 865-318-5467.

New Member Sunday at First U

NORWAY — Join the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Norway at 11 a.m. on April 28 for New Member Sunday. The minister, Rev. Fayre Stephenson, will provide a special service to celebrate the growing of the church family.

The sermon titled “Making Our Gardens Grow” will explore author Anne Lamott, who says that the garden is one of the two great metaphors that describe life. If our own lives are our metaphorical gardens, how are we doing as gardeners? This service will be a reflection on cultivating gardens and life.

The church is at 479 Main St. Childcare is provided and social hour follows the service.

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