WILTON — Area police departments are currently involved in the Click it or Ticket campaign to enforce seat belt laws.

The program is funded by grants from the Bureau of Highway Safety.

Along with Franklin County deputies, police in Farmington, Jay and Wilton are participating.

During this time of prom, graduation and the start of summer holidays, “it’s about awareness, visibility and a reminder to help keep the roads safer when accidents do happen,” Wilton police Chief Heidi Wilcox said. “Accidents will happen but seat belts save lives.”

Her department is conducting 20 individual shifts set aside from May 20 to June 2, she said. Officers will be watching to see if drivers and passengers are buckled up.

The Farmington Police Department was awarded an approximately $2,000 grant for seat belt enforcement and an education campaign, one that sets the pace for the following summer months, Officer William Tanner said in a news release.


Officers will conduct saturated patrols throughout Farmington at various times. There will be 11 four-hour shifts during the campaign.

The Jay Police Department also received a seat belt enforcement grant for $1,200 and will conduct special patrols, Chief Larry White Sr. said in a news release.

“Please buckle up and help us keep you and your family safe,” he said.


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