FARMINGTON — The Franklin County Budget Advisory Committee finished its recommendations on the $5.5 million budget Thursday night. They will be reviewed by county commissioners in June.

While some department and program requests were quickly passed in a unanimous vote by committee members, others faced lengthy review and, for a few, some changes.

The commissioners’ budget request of $148,577 was debated after member Terry Brann of Wilton expressed his opposition to elected officials giving themselves a 2 percent raise, he said.

Brann thought each commissioner should stay at the wage set when elected last November.

The commission chairmain’s salary is $8,552; the two other commissioners are paid $8,102. The 2 percent raise figures to about $160 a year, Commissioner Fred Hardy said.

Each commissioner represents about 10,000 people and spends 20 to 30 hours a week working on county business, Commissioner Gary McGrane said. He said he spent 60 hours last month just in negotiations.


Other members questioned the fairness of commissioners receiving any extra pay when other part-time employees don’t receive benefits. Some didn’t see elected officials as part-time employees.

Member Ryan Morgan suggested setting an amount for the commissioners and letting them decide how it is spent, as commissioners requested last year.

After several votes, members unanimously voted to recommend $147,367 for the commissioners. The committee later amended the amount to $148,367 to cover Internet access for the Probate Court.

The Sheriff’s Department budget request also received additional funds for a total of $1,550,123 to cover expenses involved in negotiations. The vote was 6-2. The initial request was $1,520,251.

The communications budget was increased from $792,479 to $802,479 by a 5-3 vote. The additional funds were intended to help with overruns in overtime and to cover the Mosher Hill tower expense.

The vote came after discussions about hiring a communications director and a suggestion to cover dispatch for Livermore Falls.


Sheriff Scott Nichols Sr. explained that during this first year in the position, it was difficult for him to know amounts needed. A communications director would help identify inefficiencies. He expected those would help pay for the position in the future.

Committee Chairman John Calloway endorsed supporting the sheriff during this initial year.

“It’s not the moon,” he said of the increase.

Under the program requests, the committee trimmed the Franklin County Adult Basic Education budget to $17,425, and the Greater Franklin Development Corporation to $54,000 from the $60,000 requested.

They voted to give Western Maine Transportation $19,000 instead of the requested $20,000, and unanimously voted to forgo giving Threshold to Maine a requested $750.

During a public hearing May 20, Western Maine Community Action voluntarily withdrew its request for $49,500 and asked for $40,000 with the intention to raise the rest. The committee agreed to the $40,000 on Thursday.

County commissioners may not further increase, decrease, alter or revise the budget adopted by the Budget Advisory Committee, except by unanimous vote of the commissioners. If the adopted budget is changed by the county commissioners, the committee may reject that change by a two-thirds vote by its membership. Those actions are final and are not subject to further action by either panel.

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