100 years ago, 1913
While the Auburn police department does not make hay while the sun shines, it does roads. The state highway commissioners have been notified to send an engineer to Auburn for consultation in regard to the Mechanic Falls road, after which the work and reconstruction will begin. A mile stretch will be repaired and if possible and the problems in way of drainage and leveling do not eat up the appropriation, the mile section will be extended. The part of the highway which will be repaired is in bad condition, and is considered one of the worst pieces of road in the county, hence the news of the action of the street department ought to be received joyfully, especially by autoists. Another piece of road repairing that will please pedestrians is the riddance of the perennial puddle at Court and Main streets.

50 years ago, 1963
Hundreds of heats-beat people thronged Bear Pond beach at Turner Sunday in the almost vain attempt to keep cool while the mercury soared into the 90s for the fifth consecutive day. Natives and summer residents, many of whom have vacationed here for 20 years or more, agreed that it was the largest beach crowd they had seen here. Actually there was little relief since even the water has warmed to a tepid 85 degrees,

25 years ago, 1988
Those who think there is never a cop around when he’s needed should be happy with some new changes for Auburn’s police force. Beginning Aug. 1, police will have what Chief Peter Madore calls a more efficient work schedule for its nearly four dozen officers, which will increase the number of officers on duty.