The Auburn bride-to-be envisioned friends and family gathered under a white canopy at sunset with a soft breeze blowing off the ocean. There would be palm trees, tropical music and white sand beneath her feet as she and her fiance, Larry Austin, exchanged vows.

“But it was expensive,” admitted Cari. “And we realized it wasn’t about spending a lot of money; it was about spending the rest of our lives together. I just wanted to marry my best friend and the man of my dreams.”

Cari, like so many creative and crafty brides, chose the do-it-yourself route. And with the help of family and friends, most, if not all the décor was created by hand to “bring” Jamaica to their waterfront cottage on Bryant Pond.

And it literally paid off in capturing an unforgettable, July 7 wedding that reflected the couple’s personalities.

“We wanted the wedding at sunset,” said the bride. “So we decided to go a bit untraditional by having the reception before the wedding.”

Invitees arrived during the late afternoon hours and were greeted with leis and a candle-lined aisle while the lake glistened in the background. The arbor, surrounded by colorful tiki torches, was made from small trees and draped with organza that flowed onto the grass.


Guests mingled around decorated tables, complete with assorted seashells, starfish and palm trees formed from pineapples and greenery. Inflatable boats were filled with ice and various drinks. The cake stood tastefully garnished with ribbons, flowers and star fish. There was even a wood-burned sign that stated “Shoes here.”

Cari, in a vibrant sundress and Larry in casual clothes circulated as friends and family played horseshoes, signed the guest book made of assorted driftwood or just relaxed in beach chairs overlooking the water.

Just before the ceremony, the wedding party slipped into the cottage to change as everyone else took their seats and listened to live guitar music.

As the sun went down, the groomsmen reappeared wearing tropical shirts and sea shell boutonnieres and the groom wore a white shirt and colorful lei. Bridesmaids wore sarongs and their bare feet were ornamented with beaded anklets and flowered manicures.

The couple’s two youngest sons entered just before the bride with pillows embellished with giant starfish that displayed the wedding bands.

As Cari came down the stairs in her sarong, no one could help notice the elaborate bouquet of flowers made from seashells along with turquoise and pink silks. Her hair was in an updo, bejeweled with beads and seashell flowers.


“There was something so calming and gratifying walking down those stairs,” said the bride. “It was exactly as I had pictured it. I looked around at all the beautiful, handmade touches that we had created and my world was complete.”

The ceremony was tearful and flawless and after vows were said, the wedding party passed out small, verse-covered rocks as everyone gathered at the water’s edge to toss them into the water.

After the ceremony, guests celebrated under the stars relaxing in a hot tub as well as reminiscing in front of a huge bonfire.

“Bringing Jamaica to Maine made our wedding a dream come true,” smiled the new bride. “It was totally a labor of love.”

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