Biographical information


Darcy Reed

Office Sought:

Lewiston City Council, Ward 4

Home Street Address:


89 Rideout Avenue

Campaign Phone Number:

(207) 330-5486

Campaign Email Address:

Facebook page:


Twitter Account:

YouTube Channel:

Occupation or primary source of income:

?Self-employed property manager and full-time student at the University of Southern Maine.


Social and Behavioral Science Major, Bachelor of Arts. Anticipated graduation date: December 2013??. ?GPA: 3.8??????.


Edward Little High School??? High School Diploma


My mother is from the Philippines and my father was born in Lisbon; they reside together in Lewiston. I have six wonderful sisters. I have never been married and do not have any children, but I hope to after I complete law school

Public offices sought or held?

??This is my first time running for a political office, but so far the campaign process has been an educational and enjoyable experience. I have met many wonderful citizens of Lewiston and look forward to meeting more local residents.

Civic organizations:


?The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Vice-President??? Golden Key International Honour Society, Secretary??? Student Government Association at the University of Southern Maine, Lewiston-Auburn College, Vice-President.

Ice breakers

What is your favorite food?

Penne alfredo!

What is your favorite movie?

“Rain Man”


What is your favorite book?

“The Grapes Wrath”

What is the best political advice you have received?

The best political advice I have received is to always listen to constituents first, then act. It is important to listen to the concerns of the residents without just guessing or assuming what they need or want.

When residents of Ward Four were signing my petition, I gave all of them my cell phone number, and I encourage all of them to call me anytime to share with me any questions or concerns they may have. I will always be available to listen to my fellow Lewiston citizens.

What Maine political figure do you admire most?


Olympia Snowe.

Local politics

What has Mayor Robert Macdonald done during the past two years that you agree with? What has he done that you disagree with?

I agree with Mayor Macdonald’s work with cutting back on the amount of welfare fraud that occurs against the City of Lewiston. Taxpayers understand the hard work that goes into earning money, they do not want to see that money be wasted. I am appalled that many of those caught committing fraud in Lewiston already qualify for the program again as they can only be kicked off from General Assistance for a period of time, this needs to be changed. General Assistance is a great program for those who need it, but those who abuse it need to be penalized. I also agree with Mayor Macdonald’s recent vote against the low-income housing project that Volunteers of America will be building. Whether we agree or disagree with Mayor Macdonald, at least he speaks his mind in no uncertain terms.

What has the city council done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

I agree with the council’s decision to lift restrictions on where tattoo artists can open up shops. We need to support business in Lewiston. I strongly disagree with the council’s decision to approve another low-income housing project. The project will cost Lewiston citizens hundreds of thousands of dollars, while a “non-profit” organization reaps the benefits. The project is also funded by federal money, and all of this is for what? To have a nice looking building in downtown Lewiston? It is not worth it. We need to promote business and employment. Why is the Economic and Community Development Department wasting precious resources on a building that will lose money for the City? The Department should be working on ways to IMPROVE our city.


What has the city administrator and the city staff done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

What has the school committee done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

?I agree with the committee’s decision to oppose LD 2774 because it is not the responsibility of taxpayers to pay for children to attend religious schools. I also agree with the decision to oppose LD 2775 because taxpayers should not be supporting a school system in which children from other towns attend that school. If parents would like their children to attend a religious school or a school in a district other than where they pay taxes, they should be responsible for any expenses related to that decision.

What should be done with Bates Mill No. 5?

Bates Mill Number 5 should be sold to Grow L+A if they are still willing and able to make the purchase. The building is a historic building for Lewiston and should be kept, if possible. If the space can be used to encourage business and promote healthier eating for Lewiston residents, it should be used for that. $2.5 million is too much money to spend on on tearing down the building. No matter what is to happen with the building, a decision needs to be made soon. We cannot continue to delay a decision on this matter.

Any last words?


I am a homeowner; I understand what it is like to have to mow the lawn, tend to a garden, shovel the snow, pay real estate taxes, and I don’t know about you, but it seems as though there is always something that needs to be repaired at my house.

I understand the frustration of spending thousands of dollars per year for taxes, only to see the money be wasted. I want voters to know that, if elected, I will not be a city councilor who votes based on personal views or beliefs; I will ALWAYS keep the best interests of the people of Ward Four in mind when voting. I am not afraid to go against the crowd if that is what is best for my neighbors. I will be available to constituents 24 hours a day to answer questions and to just listen. I encourage citizens of Ward Four to take advantage of this, call me! My phone number is: (207) 330-5486, and also, feel free to stop by my house at 89 Rideout Avenue. I would also love to meet everyone in Ward Four. I hope to accomplish this, so please help me by reaching out to me. I also promote increased voter participation. I have voter registration cards, not so that more people vote for me, but so that more people get involved. It is your civic duty to vote. Get involved, go out and vote, no matter who you vote for or what your party affiliation is, VOTE!

Very few people vote, and this is upsetting because each and every person has the opportunity to make a difference. I also encourage community service involvement as I have always been one to volunteer at every opportunity that I am presented with. We have a lot of fantastic organizations in this city, let’s get to work and help them help others.

I know how difficult it is to work 40+ hours per week, just to make ends meet. But if at all possible, I encourage you to volunteer your time. Who knows, YOU may be in need one day. The feeling that one gets from giving back to their community is unmatched by any other.

When you head to the voting booth in November, I want you to ask yourself: Does your city councilor have YOUR best interests in mind? Are they always available to you? Do they extend themselves to you and others in our community? Do you know their name? Have you met your city councilor? Have they adequately represented you? Do you know what they stand for? If you answered “yes” to all of the above questions, then there is no need to vote for me. If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, then the decision should be clear; it is time for a change!

Election coverage:

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