JAY — The Jay Police Department has been awarded a $5,000 grant to conduct extra patrols in December and again in August 2014 to concentrate on traffic violations and enforce Maine’s tough impaired driving laws, Sgt. Troy Young Sr. said Thursday.

The money will be used to assign an extra 128 patrol hours to saturate the areas of town that statistically show a higher number of drug- and alcohol-related crashes and offenses, he said in a release.

The additional patrols will start this weekend.

The grant is funded by the Maine Bureau of Highway Safety.

The purpose of the extra patrols is to cut down the number of drug- and alcohol-related crashes and injuries, as well as deter motorists from operating under the influence, he said.

The department has always had zero tolerance when it comes to operating under the influence of drugs and or alcohol, Young, who wrote the grant, said.


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