I believe the rivalry between Democrats and Republicans is getting in the way of important decisions. Take Obamacare, for example.

Many Republicans have been saying that it is taking away our rights to not have health insurance. It even got to the point that a stunt to get Obamacare defunded caused the government to be shut down for several weeks.

Obamacare is almost exactly the same as Romneycare, which is a successful health insurance system is Massachusetts. Where’s the difference? Obamacare was proposed by Democrats and Romneycare was proposed by Republicans.

I am not proposing that the rivalry between the two parties end, but I do think the rivalry needs to be kept out of the way of decisions.

One idea that I have is when a bill is submitted it be kept anonymous until voted on. That way, no one will make a decision based on just the party of the person who submitted it.

Another idea is that when a law or bill is proposed, nothing can be added to it until it is voted on, because when a law or bill is proposed now, amendments can be added to appeal to both parties. Because of that, laws can be passed, even if they will affect things negatively, and laws that would have made things better can be declined because of the amendments.

David Higson

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