LIVERMORE — The first meeting of the ad-hoc committee on education will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, at the Town Office. The meeting is open to the public.

The committee was formed after selectpersons voted in September to get financial information on withdrawing from RSU 73.

The committee’s purpose is to explore the educational options available to Livermore students, along with related costs, Administrative Assistant Kurt Schaub said Tuesday.

It is a preliminary exploration looking at education options, Schaub said last year.

The committee includes resident James McDonald, retired teacher Warren Forbes, former SAD 36 Director Clint Boothby, former SAD 36 Director and Livermore Selectperson Rodney Newman and RSU 73 Director Cindy Young.

SAD 36, which also serves students in Livermore Falls, merged with the Jay School Department in July 2011 to create RSU 73.

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