NEW SHARON — Voters will consider articles totaling $771,067 at the annual town meeting at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 1, at Cape Cod Hill School.

The proposed budget amount is down about $20,000 from last year, selectmen Chairman Maynard Webster said.

“There was quite a bit of money left over from the highway accounts,” he said, which accounts for the difference.

Although paving, road maintenance, salt and sand, and snow removal requests total $355,500, there is $65,823 carried over from 2013 from these accounts, according to the town warrant. There is also $20,000 from this year’s local road assistance to lower the amount to be raised from taxes to $269,676.

Before acting on the 48 warrant articles, voters will elect a town clerk and a tax collector. 

Rose Mary McCormick is retiring after 16 years in those positions. She worked from 1984 to 1992 and from 2005 to the present, she said. McCormick has an assistant, Susan Anneley of Farmington, who is already trained, she said.


Selectman Russell Gardner’s term is expiring and other town officers will be nominated and elected at the meeting.

This year, voters will be asked to reduce the discount they receive for paying their taxes, in full, within 30 days after bills are dated.

More people are taking advantage of the 5 percent discount, Webster said. The $50,000 account was overdrawn this year. 

Selectmen propose dropping the discount to 3 percent, he said.

Voters could decide to reduce the amount raised for road maintenance to help lower the tax commitment, Webster said.

The road commissioner is preparing a list of roads he would like to work on this year, Webster said. He expects these to be announced during the meeting.


Voters will also be asked to raise $2,300 from taxes to keep the Ditzler Library open four more hours per week. The library budget request is $14,000. The $2,300 is in addition to that amount.

The Fire Department is asking for $10,000 to help purchase protective gear for new firefighters, Webster said.

Copies of the town report are available at the Town Office, stores in New Sharon and at the meeting Saturday.

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