DURHAM — Selectmen Barry Baldwin and Sarah Hall were re-elected to three-year terms Friday with 110 and 113 votes, respectively, Town Clerk Shannon Plourde said.

Joining them on the board is Mark Blake who was elected to a two-year term with 124 votes.

Milton Simon received 116 votes for a three-year seat on the Budget Committee. Michael Fitzpatrick and Mark Conway were also elected to three-year terms on the committee. Fitzpatrick received 16 write-in votes; Conway got 9. John Ricker got three write-in votes for a one-year term, Plourde said.

Brian Pike was elected to the RSU 5 board with 113 votes.

A total of 138 of the town’s 3,217 registered voters cast ballots Friday, Plourde said.

The annual town meeting begins at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Durham Community School.

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